Sunday, December 02, 2007

Pictures not in order.
It's been a while since i actually blog with pictures, and some are taken months ago....

Spot the picture spoiler.

Again! The spoiler!!!!! kenot pose properly one.

2 sisters and their bfs.
Our dad took this picture for us.
OBVIOUSLY NOT! It was 2 in the morn and he was asleep edi.
self timer hou mou.

Baby Lucas Kan! So small!!

Yes, that's a curler in my hair.
Yes, i wore it for 1 whole fucking day.
And yes, i enjoy wearing it. Feels like a hairband.

Cam-whoring in the hospita when my sister met an accident.
Obviously she's fine.

The bfs washing the dished after dinner.
The smaller one is mine. =)

Baby Daryl!!! Fucking cute. I just wanna fucking squeeze him in between my thighs. No worries, i'm gentle with babies! =)

Can u imagine how fucking long ago was this.
with that hair and that eyebrow.

Pretending to be a fucking puppet.
more like pepet.

Pretending to be a cancer patient.
Which turned out to be a sad mak cik selling nasi lemak.
(bad business mar!)

One of our lecturers wedding invitation.
Fake a stem and put ur face innit bitches.

Just another day in college.
don't ask... don't ask...

sarny typed some crap at 7:39 AM.

Just like McDs

I'm loving it.

sarny typed some crap at 7:34 AM.